EFFITIX Anti-tick Medicine for Dogs


PEACE OF MIND. FOR 4 WEEKS.” Effitix® spot on solution provides up to 4 weeks of protection against ticks, fleas, mosquitoes and sandflies – with just one application. “HOW APPLYING IT” Effitix® spot on solution comes in a unique Drop- Stop pipette that makes applying it to your dog incredibly easy. For you it’s only a few seconds of work. For your dog it’s weeks of parasite-free* happiness.  
EASY AND HERMETIC OPENING: - Intuitive opening - Fast and complete with only one break - No user hand contact CONTROLLED APPLICATION: - Controlled product flow - Precise application FULL DOSAGE CONTROL: - Right dosage at the right moment -Transparent body for dosage control “NO MATTER THE SIZE** OF YOUR DOG, I’VE GOT IT COVERED.”  
“BE SURE TO MAKE A JOURNEY TO YOUR VET BEFORE TRAVELLING.” If there is anybody who can give you invaluable information about travelling with your dog, it’s your veterinarian. Just ask him for advice.  
WE LOVE TO PROTECT OUR OWNERS. NOW IT’S YOUR TURN TO PROTECT US.” “Hello, I’m Effi, the ambassador for a planet where dogs are protected against ticks, fleas, mosquitoes and sandflies. And I’m here to address a serious danger: Ectoparasites. Each and every one of them is capable of transmitting diseases that could harm us. Sooo, what to do? Should every dog just avoid forests, brushes, fields or even travelling? Where would be the fun in that? No, I know of a better solution: Effitix® spot on. It’s a brand new antiparasitic for dogs that takes care of 4 major ectoparasites – and that for up to 4 weeks long. It is like a protective shield, killing ticks and fleas and repelling mosquitoes and sandflies effectively.The perfect defence for every dog, above 3 months of age between 1,5 kg and 60 kg.” weeks “MY SWORN ENEMIES.” These are the pests to look out for. Small in size but a big threat to every dog in the world
IT DOESN‘T MATTER WHERE YOU ARE.” Ticks, fleas, mosquitoes and sandflies are almost everywhere. It doesn’t matter if you just take your dog for a walk in the park, to a forest or if you go travelling, the danger of these pests is nearly always present.Thankfully Effitix® spot on solution provides effective protection against them.  
ECTOPARASITES. THEY MAKE ME SICK.” Apart from the sheer nuisance they are, when they are biting, stinging and clinging on to your dog, they are also able to transmit various diseases like Piroplasmosis, Lyme disease or Leishmaniosis, which could seriously harm your dog. Fever, weakness, lethargy, skin lesions, nose bleeds, kidney failure, yes even death – the list of things that could happen to your dog is long. Your veterinarian is the perfect go-to person for further information on how to keep your dog safe from ectoparasites. He will help you gladly.

made in France


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