Tick ​​Treatment for Dogs, Prevention and Infection Methods Comprehensive Guide 2024

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Your guide to understanding, treating and preventing ticks in dogs all year round

In this article, you will learn in detail everything you need about ticks, starting with general knowledge about ticks and how they infect dogs. We will also tell you about the best and easiest way to treat ticks for dogs.


What is a tick? And how dangerous is it?


Ticks are blood-sucking parasites that attach to the host body and feed on its blood abundantly. They can reproduce very quickly. The female can lay more than 3,000 eggs at a time. It causes a number of risks and diseases, the most important of which are:

Tick ​​hazards

Blood parasites such as Babesia and Ehrlichia are microscopic organisms that break down blood cells and cause problems that can kill the dog, such as:

Fever, splenomegaly, lymphadenopathy and general weakness. Diagnosis requires a blood test and laboratory examination, and treatment is done by a veterinarian.

The cost of diagnosis and treatment reaches 1000 pounds, in addition to the treatment of the tick itself.

  • Lyme disease
    It is a deadly disease for dogs and causes fever, arthritis and kidney problems.
  • Ticks also secrete some toxins that affect the dog's nervous system, which causes...
    Tick ​​Paralysis in Dogs
  • The tick attaches to the dog's body through a hook-like mouth and causes severe wounds in the skin. When removed, it can cause a bacterial infection.
  • Blood loss anemia is a condition that can occur when a dog is exposed to a large number of ticks.

What do dog ticks look like?

A tick is an eight-legged parasite with a highly developed mouth that enables it to penetrate a dog's skin to feed on its blood. The shape of ticks varies depending on their type. The color can be gray, brown, black, or yellow. Ticks feed on blood to live and produce eggs. As for the size, they range from the size of a sesame seed to the size of a grape, which is very scary for dogs.

Where do ticks hide on a dog's body?

1- In and around the ear

2- Between the fingers

3- Under clothes or collar

4- Around the neck

5- Armpit area

6- Between the thighs

The location of the infection varies from one dog to another, but the ear area is the most painful for the dog, and ticks must be removed immediately upon their appearance on the dog.

Dog tick life cycle and how infection occurs

People often call ticks “ticks” but they are classified as arachnids, not insects.

There are four stages in the tick life cycle which are egg, larvae (or seed tick), nymph, and adult.

1- Females mate on the dog and fall to the ground to produce eggs. One female produces more than 3000 eggs at a time. Therefore, as soon as ticks appear in a place, they spread terribly, which makes us rush as quickly as possible to treat them.
2- The eggs then hatch into larvae. Larvae cannot jump, so they use grass or small animals to stick to the dog’s body, and they are attracted to it either by the body’s heat or by the carbon dioxide that comes out of it.
3- After its first meal of the dog’s blood, it falls on the ground and becomes a nymph, which repeats the same cycle and becomes an adult tick during the dog’s second blood meal.

How do dogs get tick infections (sources of infection)?

1- Mixing with dogs or other animals infected with ticks while the dog is out for a walk.

2- The entry of animals infected with ticks into the dog’s living area, whether by contact with it or simply by the tick falling into its living area, such as street cats, dogs, or mice.

3- Exposure to grass infected with any stage of tick growth, whether in the place of residence or in public parks.

How do I know if my dog ​​has ticks?

Ticks can be found anywhere, but the most common places to find them are outside the house, such as in the garden or any place with grass.
It is important to check your dog's body for ticks after every trip he takes outside the house.

  • If you find a tick in your house or garden, this is evidence that your dog has been infested with ticks, and this requires you to examine it very carefully.
  • The dog shakes its head excessively. Ticks like to stick to moist places on the dog's body, such as the dog's ears, which is what makes it shake its head hysterically.
  • Symptoms of a tick bite, such as fever, fatigue, loss of appetite, or vomiting. These are symptoms caused by some diseases transmitted by ticks. In this case, you must go to the veterinarian to examine him, identify the problem, and solve it.
  • Scars from tick bites.

How can ticks be detected on a dog's body?

By searching in places where ticks prefer to be, such as inside and around the ear, between the fingers, under clothing or collars, around the neck, armpit area, and between the thighs.

You pass your hand against the direction of the hair in these areas until you can see or feel it.

How to remove ticks from a dog's body?

Slide the hair around the tick with your fingers. Use medical forceps or any tool designed for this purpose. Apply pressure at the bottom of the part of the tick that is touching the skin. Do not try to bend the tick, just apply a little pressure and pull upward. Wash the tick site with soap and water to remove any toxins and avoid infection with any external microbes. Get rid of ticks by soaking them in alcohol or placing them in the toilet and running water over them.

Things Not to Do When Removing Ticks from Your Dog

Do not remove dog ticks with your fingers. Also, do not squeeze the tick's body while it is attached to your dog - this will prevent it from secreting toxins into your dog. Don't throw ticks in the trash – they can easily get back out. Do not set fire to the tick because it may vomit what is inside it and become a source of infection.

Are dog ticks contagious to humans?

We get questions like: Can ticks be transmitted from dogs to humans? Or what are the harms of dog ticks to humans? Yes, ticks infect mammals, including humans, and feed on their blood and transmit many diseases. Therefore, it is important to be careful when removing ticks from dogs so that you do not get infected with one of them. Tick ​​bites on humans cause some skin inflammation, just remove them and do not leave the mouth part in your skin. Do not worry about getting ticks, but you must be careful about them, and you can follow up with the veterinarian immediately upon seeing them on your dog.


How to Prevent Dog Ticks Permanently

The psychological and material damage caused by the tick problem is great, so prevention is more important than treatment, and we have two choices:

First choice
The best choice is 4 doses per year.
Dose every 3 months

Bravecto chewable tablets 1 tablet by mouth every 3 months

One of the most famous and secure solutions in the world

  • Protection from ticks and fleas for 3 months.
  • Protection from tick paralysis for 4 months.
  • Easy and simple, one chewable tablet...just once every 3 months.
Order it online from here

Usage information and prices are available on the product page.

Second choice
12 ampoules per year
Once a month

Advantex ampoule every month

Insect ampoules are an effective method of preventing ticks.

  • 1 month tick protection
  • An ampoule containing a liquid that is placed on the dog's skin over the back from the neck to the tail.
Order it online from here

Usage information and prices are available on the product page.


How to treat dog ticks permanently and solve the problem of their recurrence

Treating ticks is done through 4 steps that must be followed together so that your dog receives proper treatment and the tick life cycle is broken.

The first step is to kill ticks and eggs on your dog.

Step 2: Protect your dog from ticks

Step 3: Clean the place from ticks and eggs.

Step 4: Blood test to detect blood parasites with the veterinarian.

To implement these steps, you can use some products through one of the following options:

First choice
Pravecto + Biotex tablet for the place

Bravecto tablet (kills eggs and ticks on dogs and provides protection for 3 months) + Biotex spray that kills eggs and ticks on the area

Bravecto chewable tablets 1 tablet by mouth every 3 months

One of the most famous and secure solutions in the world

  • Protection from ticks and fleas for 3 months.
  • Protection from tick paralysis for 4 months.
  • Easy and simple, one chewable tablet...just once every 3 months.
Order them online from here

Product usage information and prices are available on the product page.

Second choice
Insect ampoule + insect spray + Biotex for the place

An ampoule that kills ticks for dogs, works as a one-month protection + a spray that kills eggs on the dog’s body + a Biotex spray that kills eggs and ticks in the area

Advantex ampoule every month

Insect ampoules are an effective method of preventing ticks.

  • 1 month tick protection
  • An ampoule containing a liquid that is placed on the dog's skin over the back from the neck to the tail.
Order them online from here

Product usage information and prices are available on the product page.

Tick ​​treatment for pregnant dogs

Some tick treatment medications are prohibited during pregnancy and cannot be used because they cause miscarriage or fetal deformity according to reports. Therefore, some materials are used with extreme caution, such as:

Tick ​​treatment for small dogs

  • Insect ampoules are toxic to young puppies, so some safe drugs can be used.
  • Frontline spray or Omniguard spray
  • The puppy's hair is separated and the spray is used in a dose not exceeding 10 sprays per kilogram of the dog's weight, taking care not to let the dog lick this substance.

Bravecto chewable tablets 1 tablet by mouth every 3 months

One of the most famous and secure solutions in the world

  • Protection from ticks and fleas for 3 months.
  • Protection from tick paralysis for 4 months.
  • Easy and simple, one chewable tablet...just once every 3 months.
Order them online from here

Product usage information and prices are available on the product page.

the reviewer



Ticks, treatment of dog ticks, treatment of ticks in dogs, treatment of ticks in dogs, treatment of dog insects, and

Steps to treat ticks for dogs

  1. Removing ticks from a dog's body

  2. Spraying your dog's body to kill tick eggs (details in the article)

  3. Use of topical ampoules

  4. Tick ​​Control in Dog's Living Area

Call us on 01022337450
email care@happet.net

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